Date Posted: Thursday 14th December 2017
Following DIARY directory's relaunch this year, we now have a ‘sort by social’ function across contact results lists for a comparative overview.
Why not use the advanced search filters under CONTACTS to filter a results list you are interested in, then sort by social.
We are adding to the socials all the time but, just for fun, here are the blogs, media contacts and creatives listed on DIARY that are currently topping the Instagram follower lists within their section. Current live stats for the most followed in each section are also shown.
*contributing editors, editors at large, and columnists removed
Blogs & Vlogs - UK: |
Blogs & Vlogs - ROW: |
Photographers: |
Make-up Artists: |
If you are a DIARY directory member and need any help, or would like to make any suggestions for the platform, please get in touch – call us on 020 7724 7770, or drop Holly an email.
If you are not currently a DIARY directory member, and would like to take a look at what we do – please get in touch with Megan or Ivy, both contactable on the 020 7724 7770 number.
Edward Enninful in 'media contacts - UK'
Huda Beauty in 'blogs and vlogs - worldwide'
Cole Sprouse in 'photographers'
Jaclyn Hill in 'make up artists'
Related News
The DIARY directory platform provides fashion, beauty and lifestyle industry news, interviews, dates, vacancies and contacts. Our huge database of contacts includes thousands of digital influencers, media titles (UK and overseas) and their editorial teams, freelance journalists and creatives, PRs and brands and representative agencies. Live and sortable social media stats for entries allow comparative analysis and insight within filtered sections, plus additional engagement metrics for industryINFLUENCERS.
Get in touch to discover how DIARY directory membership would benefit you.